Associate Professor of Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning at
OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University
2024. Piatkowski, Daniel. "Bicycle City: Riding the Bike Boom to a Brighter Future." Island Press.
2018. Jean-Bopp, Melissa, Dangaia Sims, & Daniel Piatkowski. “Bicycling for Transportation: An Evidence-Base for Communities.” Elsevier Press.
2024. The Battle for the Bike Lane Is Entering a New Phase. US News & World Report.
2024. Bike-Friendly Infrastructure Makes Cities Better for Us All. The Progressive.
2018. Safe, efficient self-driving cars could block walkable, livable communities. The Conversation.
2024. Hazelton-Boyle, Josephine & Daniel Piatkowski. How Prior Experience With Automated Technology Impacts Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles Among Midwestern US Farmers. Public Works Management & Policy 29 (1), 81-100. https://doi.org/10.1177/1087724X231174392
2023. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. Who Wants to Drive Forever? Exploring attitudes toward driving and ageing. Travel Behaviour and Society, 33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2023.100611
2021. Piatkowski, Daniel. Autonomous Shuttles: What do users expect and how will they use them? Journal of Urban Technology, 3-4(28), 97-115. https://doi.org/10.1080/10630732.2021.1896345
2021. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Melissa Bopp. Increasing Bicycling for Tranpsortation: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 147(2). doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000693
2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, Justin McCully, & Melissa Piatkowski. Toward a Rural Vision Zero: A qualitative exploration of bicyclist and pedestrian traffic fatalities in small towns and rural areas in Nebraska. Accepted for publication Great Plains Research.
2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. More than just the helmet: The relationship between bicycle helmet use and non-bicycling risk-taking behaviors among American adolescents. The Journal of Travel Behaviour and Society. 20, 313-321. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tbs.2020.04.009
2020. Piatkowski, Daniel. Exploring Support for and Solutions to Family CABs (Chauffeur-Associated Burdens). Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198120939963
2019. Rebentisch, Hannah. Rania Wasfi, Daniel Piatkowski, & Kevin Manaugh. Safe Streets for all? A Longitudinal analysis of the infrastructural response to pedestrian and cycling injuries and fatalities between 2009 and 2018 in New York City. Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177/0361198118821672
2018. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. We Count What We Care About: Advancing a framework for valuing investments in active modes. Research in Transportation Business and Management (Special Issue: "[Re]-Evaluating How We Value Investments in Transportation"). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rtbm.2018.04.001
2018. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall, & Aaron Johnson. Bicycle Backlash: A Qualitative Examination of Aggressive Driver-Bicyclist Interactions. Transportation Research Record. doi: 10.3141/2662-03
2018. Marshall, Wesley, Daniel Piatkowski, & Aaron Johnson. Scofflaw Bicycling: Illegal but rational. The Journal of Transport and Land Use, 11 (1), 1-31.
2017. Piatkowski, Daniel, Kevin Krizek, & Wesley Marshall. Carrots versus Sticks: Assessing intervention effectiveness and implementation challenges for active transport. The Journal of Planning Education and Research. DOI: 10.1177/0739456X17715306
2017. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall, & Aaron Johnson. Identifying Behavioral Norms among Bicyclists in Mixed-Traffic Conditions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, 46, 137-148. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2017.01.009
2016. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Nader Afzalan. Can Web-based Community Engagement Inform Equitable Planning Outcomes? A Case Study of Bikesharing. The Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. doi.org/10.1080/17549175.2016.1254672
2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. Not All Prospective Bicyclists are Created Equal: The role of attitudes, socio-demographics, and the built environment in bicycle commuting. The Journal of Travel Behaviour and Society. 2(3), 166-173. doi:10.1016/j.tbs.2015.02.001
2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, Kevin Krizek & Susan Handy. Walking and Cycling’s Role in Addressing Climate Change: Accounting for the substitution effect. The Journal of Travel Behaviour and Society. 2(1), 32-41. doi: 10.1016/j.tbs.2014.07.004
2015. Henao, Alejandro, Daniel Piatkowski, Krista Nordback, Wesley Marshall, & Kevin Krizek. Impacts of Sustainable Transportation Investments in Boulder, CO; 1990-2009. Transport Policy, 37, 64-71. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2014.09.012
2014. Piatkowski, Daniel, Rachael Bronson, Wesley Marshall & Kevin Krizek. Measuring the Impacts of Bike to Work Day Events for Different Populations. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000239
2014. Marshall, Wesley, Daniel Piatkowski, & Norman Garrick. Community Design, Street Networks, and Public Health. Journal of Transport and Health (Special issue: “Geography and Active Travel”), 1(4). 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2014.06.002
2014. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. “New” versus “Old” Urbanism: A comparative analysis of travel behavior in large-scale New Urbanist communities and older, more established neighborhoods in Denver, Colorado. Urban Design International, 19, 228-245. doi: 10.1057/udi.2013.30
2011. Nordback, Krista, Daniel Piatkowski, Bruce Janson, Wesley Marshall, Kevin Krizek, & Debbi Main. Using Inductive Loops to Count Bicycles in Mixed Traffic. Journal of Transportation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, (2)1, pp.39-56
2020. Marshall, W., Norman Garrick, Daniel Piatkowski, David Newton. “Street Networks and Health” in Transportation and Health. Elsevier Press (Forthcoming).
2016. Martens, Karel, Daniel Piatkowski, Kevin Krizek, & Kara Luckey. “Advancing Discussions of Cycling Interventions Based on Social Justice” in Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation: Biking for All? Editors: Aaron Golub, Melody Hoffman, Adonia Lugo, Gerardo Francisco Sandoval. Rutledge Press.
2012. Review of Tumlin, Jeffrey. Sustainable Transportation Planning: Tools for creating vibrant, healthy, and resilient communities. Wiley and Sons. Appeared in The Berkeley Planning Journal (25).
2018. Contributing Writer. Emerge: Luna City 2175. Immersive theatrical experience as part of the Emerge: Festival of the Futures. School for the Future of Innovation in Society; Arizona State University. March 17, 2018.
2019. Piatkowski, Daniel. "Too Old to Drive? The Role of Walkable Places and New Technologies in Addressing Age-related Driving Cessation." Peer-reviewed conference paper. https://www.cnu.org/new-urban-research/papers.
2018. Piatkowski, Daniel. “Safe, Efficient, Self-driving Cars Could Block Walkable, Livable Communities.” The Conversation(https://theconversation.com/safe-efficient-self-driving-cars-could-block-walkable-livable-communities-103583).
2017. Piatkowski, Daniel. “To Save New Urbanism From #MAGA, it's Time to Get Political.” Planetizen(https://www.planetizen.com/node/92993/save-new-urbanism-maga-its-time-get-political).
2017. Luckey, Kara & Daniel Piatkowski. “A stubborn reliance on facts
Research papers on topics ranging from climate change to transportation are presented at CNU 25, supporting evidence-based practice.” Public Square, A CNU Journal. (https://www.cnu.org/publicsquare/2017/05/24/stubborn-reliance-facts).
2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Nader Afzalan. Does Crowdsourcing Community Engagement Lead to Equitable Transportation? The application of web-based tools to inform bikeshare system development. https://www.cnu.org/new-urban-research/papers.
2014. Steer Davies Gleave, with Kevin J. Krizek and Daniel Piatkowski. The Economic Impact of Cycling in the Pikes Peak Region. Pikes Peak Area Council of Governments. White Paper: http://www.trailsandopenspaces.org/2015/04/29/economic-benefits-of-cycling/
2010. Wroth, Roy, Kevin Donahue & Daniel Piatkowski. Neighborhood Handbook for Second Street and the Triangle District Neighborhoods. Wroth Urbanists, Sante Fe, New Mexico: http://rwup.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Handbook-reading-copy.pdf.