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CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (presenter listed first, *student advisee)

2022. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. Who Wants to Drive Forever? Attitudes as a barrier to driving cessation. Presentation at the 101th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 9-13.

2021. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. Car Culture and Driving Cessation. Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning; Virtual; October 21-23.

2021. Hazelton*, Josephine, & Daniel Piatkowski. How Prior Experience With Automated Technology Impacts Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study of Midwestern Farmers. Presentation at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 25-29

2021. Al-Ramini*, Ali, Mohammad Takallou, Daniel Piatkowski, & Fadi Alsaleem. Quantifying the Effect of Signage on Bicycle Ridership. Presentation at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 25-29. 

2021. Piatkowski, Daniel. Equity and Justice in Bicycling? National Academy of Public Administration´s Social Equity Leadership Conference. Virtual; June 10-12.


2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, Justin McCully & Melissa Piatkowski. Qualitative Analysis of Fatal Car-on-Vulnerable-Road-User Crashes in the Rural US. Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning; Toronto, CA; Virtual; November 5-8.

2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, Justin McCully & Melissa Piatkowski. Towards a Rural Vision Zero: A qualitative exploration of vulnerable road user fatalities in rural areas. Presentation at the Bridging Transport Researchers Conference; Virtual, August 11-12. 

2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, Justin McCully & Melissa Piatkowski. Acceptable Losses? Specifying fault in bicycle and pedestrian traffic deaths. Presentation at the Active Living Research Conference; Orlando, FL; February 2-5. 


2020. Piatkowski, Daniel, David Newton & Wesley Marshall. Bird's Eye View of Health Outcomes: Using Deep Learning to Estimate Health Measures from Satellite Images. Presentation at the Active Living Research Conference; Orlando, FL; February 2-5. 


2020. Piatkowski, Daniel. “The “Family CAB:” Addressing Family Chauffeur-Associated-Burdens (CABs).” Presentation at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 12-16. 

2019. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. When driving is no longer an option: perceptions and plans for coping with age-related driving cessation. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning; Greenville, SC; October 13-15. 


2019. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. Too old to drive? The role of walkable places and new technologies in addressing age-related driving cessation. Congress for the New Urbanism; Louisville, KY; June 12-15. 


2019. Piatkowski, Daniel. Smart Cities for the Rest of Us: The implications of transportation technologies for those left out of the urban revolution. Urbanism Next Conference; Portland, OR; May 7-9. (Presenter and session organizer)

2019. Piatkowski, Daniel. Shared autonomous shuttles: What do users expect and how will they use them? Presentation at the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 13-17. 

2018. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. More than just the helmet: The relationship between helmet use and risk-taking among American adolescents. Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning; Buffalo, NY; October 25-28. (Upcoming) 

2018. Manaugh, Kevin & Daniel Piatkowski. An Environmental Justice Analysis of Cycling Safety. Presentation at the American Association of Geographers; New Orleans, LA; April 10-14. 


2018. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Kevin Manaugh. Cyclist safety and pollution exposure: Examining the “Double Burden” of bicycling in socially-disadvantaged communities. Presentation at the Active Living Research Conference; Banff, Canada; February 11-14. 


2018. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. A holistic framework for valuing investments in active modes of transportation. Presentation (poster) at the Active Living Research Conference; Banff, Canada; February 11-14.

2017. Piatkowski, Daniel & Kevin Manaugh. Unjust Risk: An Environmental Justice Perspective on Cyclist Safety. Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Denver, CO; October 12-15.  

2017. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. We count what we care about: The limitations and biases in existing metrics for bicycle and pedestrian investments. Presentation (poster) at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Denver, CO; October 12-15.  

2017. Marshall, Wesley, Daniel Piatkowski & Aaron Johnson. Scofflaw Bicycling: Illegal but Rational. Presentation at the World Symposium on Transport and Land Use Research; Brisbane, Australia; July 3-6. 

2017. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Aaron Johnson. Promoting Bicycling in the Face of “Bikelash” – Why bicyclists break the law, and what it means for encouraging active transportation. Presentation (poster) at the Active Living Research Conference; Clearwater, FL; February 28-March 1. 

2017. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Aaron Johnson. Bicycle backlash: A qualitative examination of aggressive driver-bicyclist interactions. Presentation at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 8-12

2016. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Aaron Johnson. Bicycle backlash: A mixed-methods examination of aggression toward bicyclists. Podium Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Portland, OR; November 3-6. 

2016. Afzalan, Nader, & Daniel Piatkowski. Does Digital Divide Still Matter? Equity Considerations of Using Participatory GIS Tools for Sustainable Planning. Podium Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Portland, OR; November 3-6. 


2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Aaron Johnson. Scofflaw Cycling: Behavior, intention, and multi-modal interactions. Podium Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Houston, TX; October 22-25.


2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, Wesley Marshall & Nader Afzalan. Crowdsourcing Equitable Transportation: The application of web-based tools to inform bikeshare system development. Podium Presentation at Congress of New Urbanism 23rd Annual Conference (special session on Transportation & Equity); Dallas-Fort Worth; April 29-May 2. 


2015. Piatkowski, Daniel. Linking Perceived Mode Choice Options to Travel Behavior Change: a structural equation modeling approach to encouraging active transportation. Podium Presentation at the Doctoral Research in Transportation Modeling Workshop; The 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 11-15.


2015. Piatkowski, Daniel, & Wesley Marshall. Not All Prospective Bicyclists are Created Equal: The role of attitudes, socio-demographics, and the built environment in bicycle commuting. Poster Presentation at the 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 11-15.


2014. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. Carrots versus Sticks: Assessing intervention effectiveness and implementation challenges for non-motorized transportation. Poster Presentation at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 12-16.


2014. Piatkowski, Daniel, Rachael Bronson, Wesley Marshall & Kevin Krizek. Measuring the Impacts of Bike to Work Day Events for Different Populations. Poster Presentation at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board; Washington D.C; January 12-16.


2012. Piatkowski, Daniel, Thomas Götschi & Kevin Krizek. Attitude Change and Non-motorized Travel; Examining changes in attitudes and perceptions of bicycling and walking in five US Cities. Podium Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Cincinnati, Ohio; November 1-4.


2012. Piatkowski, Daniel & Wesley Marshall. “New” vs. “Old” Urbanism: Why are New Urbanist communities not reaching the walking, cycling, and transit levels of more established urban neighborhoods. Podium Presentation at the International Association of Travel Behavior Researchers Conference; Toronto, Canada; June 15-20.


2012. Piatkowski, Daniel, Thomas Götschi & Kevin Krizek. Walking and Cycling Interventions: Assessing impacts and measurement challenges when linking interventions to outcomes. Podium Presentation at the International Association of Travel Behavior Researchers Conference; Toronto, Canada; June 15-20.


2011. Piatkowski, Daniel. Longitudinal Methods in Nonmotorized Transportation Research: A critical review of scholarly research employing longitudinal designs and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at promoting bicycling, walking, and physical activity. Podium Presentation at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference; Salt Lake City, Utah; October 13-16.


2010. Piatkowski, Daniel, Kevin Krizek & Susan Handy. Measuring the Substitution Effect of Non-motorized Modes: A pilot study and implications for future research. Podium Presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research; Washington D.C; January 10-14.


2009.  Piatkowski, Daniel. Quantifying the Ability of Non-motorized Modes to Replace Vehicle Travel; A review of existing approaches. Podium Presentation at Urban Affairs Association Annual Conference; Chicago, Illinois; March 4-7.





2020. "Smart Cities for the Rest of Us?" Nebraska Department of Transportation's Future of Transportation Forum. Virtual; June 25. 

2019. “Acceptable Losses? Understanding Vulnerable Road User (VRU) fatalities in rural Nebraska” Keynote presentation at the Nebraska Bike/Walk Summit. Omaha, NE; October 17


2019. “Beware the ‘Cult of Technology:’ Tensions between technological innovation livable communities.” AARP Livable Communities Conference. Portland, ME; June 18-21. 


2019.  “The Built Environment and Public Health: Collaborative solutions for planners and public health practitioners.” Nebraska Public Health Conference and Policy Day. Lincoln, NE; April 3-4. 


2018. “Driverless Cars and Bikes? What do new transportation technologies mean for bicycle advocacy?” Keynote presentation at the Nebraska Bike/Walk Summit. Omaha, NE; November 1-2. 

2017. “Urban Design, Behavior, and the Built Environment: How urban design shapes everyday interactions.” ” Presentation to Graduate Urban Studies Seminar, University of Nebraska Omaha. Omaha, NE; September 6.


2017.  “Relax-n-Learn: Leveraging walking and bicycling to meet the Triple-Bottom-Line.” Presentation to City of Lincoln Planning and Urban Development. Lincoln, NE; April 7.

2017. Conference Presentation. “Scofflaw Bicycling? Why some bicyclists break law, why it makes drivers so angry, and what we can do about it” Nebraska Bike Walk Summit. Lincoln, NE. 

2017. Conference Presentation. “The Pros and Cons of Web-Based Community Engagement” Nebraska Annual Planning Conference. Kearney, NE. 

2015. Conference Presentation. “Culture Wars: Understanding tensions between drivers and cyclists.” Georgia Bike Summit. Milledgeville, GA. 


2015. Seminar Presentation. “Carrots versus Sticks: Strategies for increasing walking and cycling in the US.” Georgia Institute of Technology. Atlanta, GA. 


2015. Opening Remarks, Presiding Officiant and Discussant at The Savannah State University 3rd Annual Urban Planning Conference. Savannah State University. Savannah, GA.


2015. Keynote Speech. “If You Paint It, They Will Come; Savannah’s untapped bicycling potential.” Savannah Bicycle Campaign Pedal Medal Award Celebration. Savannah, GA. 



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